
Urban Thinker, a website of Judith Ryser has obtained a facelift.

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The purpose of UrbanThinker is to share what Judith Ryser has experienced and is learning through her professional activities as a contribution to on open discussion on cities, urban politics and public art.

The new layout is divided into three  themes: Open Cities; Polis and Politics; Urban Art and Culture.

  • The Open Cities blog remains the main focus. It expands the original blog written for the British Council on Open Cities to encompass ideas and reflections on a broader range of physical, social, economic and environmental urban issues.
  • Polis and Politics expresses personal thoughts about urban politics and their effect on everyday life in the city.
  • Urban Art and Culture explores the relation between cities and how they are influenced by the arts and culture, seen through the way artists include cities in their work.

It would be nice if these writings would stimulate responses and evolve into a public discussion on city making and urban living.



Judith Ryser is a member of Isocarp <International Society of City and Urban Planners>  and head of the UK national delegation. http://www.isocarp.org. She has been Vice president, member of the scientific committee and led an Urban Planning Advisory Team. She is contributing actively by writing and editing books and articles on behalf of Isocarp. She is co-editor of the International Manual of Planning Practice with Teresa Franchini.


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Judith Ryser is a senior advisor to, and member of the International Advisory Council of the Fundacion Metropoli in Madrid Spain which is promoting innovative spatial development ideas and implementation processes.http://www.fundacion-metropoli.org. She has been cooperating with the Fundacion Metropoli over several years. She has edited and contributed to a number of books published by the Fundacion Metropoli; inter alia ‘Building the European Diagonal’, a conceptual study which postulates the merits of large scale spatial development strategies and cooperation between innovative cities and their creative forces within such culturally linked spaces; and Fundacion-Metropoli, Landscape Intelligence, projects and visions.


CIoJ logoAs a member of the Chartered Institute of Journalists http://cioj.co.uk/ Judith a member of the freelance division and is serving on the International Committee which is providing services and support to journalists the world over, especially those in challenging situations.


Judith has another website JudithRyser  www.JudithRyser.com which is also being revised and updated. The purpose is to put some of my work into the public domain. It will include articles, essays, reviews, presentations and other writings. It will also include some ‘odd thoughts’and reflections on everyday life which may develop into professional activities.

Judith is also on Facebook dealing with more down to earth issues and linking up with friends.